• FC REALE Japan

暑さにも、自分にも負けずに頑張ろう!Let’s do our best not to lose heat and to ourselves!

暑さにも、自分にも負けずに頑張ろう!Let’s do our best not to lose heat and to ourselves!



太陽の下、熱いコーチたちのリード受けて、チャレンジ&チャレンジ で頑張っています!

Let’s do our best not to lose heat and to ourselves!

Children are training hard every day at FC Reale in the summer of 2020

Each child has own challenges, but it is important to keep trying.

We will take on the challenge under the guidance of hot coaches in the sun.

8月3日スクール⚽️オニコーチ&ともコーチはいつも大切なことを教えてくれます❗️・具体的に考えること ・集中力・チャレンジ …

FC REALEさんの投稿 2020年8月3日月曜日

Voice of parents

Miyoshi Coach & Tomo Coach always teaches what is important.

  • ・Think concretely
  • ・Concentration
  • ・Challenge, etc.

How can they do what they want

Try it → fail → another method (think) → try (challenge)

It takes a lot of mistakes to learn, and if you don’t challenge, you can’t make mistakes.

I want more attitude toward the ball.Good luck children!