- Hero Project
サントス理事 が「Colors of the Game 」で熱く語る!

ポッドキャスト「Colors of the Game 」で、サントス理事が、ネパールのサッカーについて、自身のキャリアや目標、将来への希望などを語っています。
「Colors of the Game 」は、スポーツ関係者をゲストに招き、彼らのキャリアやフィールド内外でのライフストーリーや関わっているスポーツについてなどを紹介するポッドキャストのインタビュー番組。
インタビュアーのAvash Ghimire氏は、子どもの頃からのサントス選手のファンだったということもあり、とても盛り上がったインタビュー動画となりました。
Santosh talked passionately on “Colors of the Game”!
Santosh Shahukhala recently talked on the podcast Colors of the Game. He talked about his career, his goals, and his hopes for the future. He said, “I want to be a hope for Nepali football and youth. Set goals, believe in yourself, work hard, and you will definitely achieve them.”
he wants to share his knowledge with the young players in Nepal. He believes that the young generation in Nepal does not have hope, and he wants to be a role model for them.
Shahukhala’s words have inspired many young people in Nepal and Japan. He is a role model for hard work and dedication, and he is an inspiration to young people who dream of playing professional football.
Japanese Text by 事務局 宮本
English Text by FC REALE Coach Anish