- FC REALE Japan
- REALE Philosophy
毎日が、すべてが、これからの時代を生き抜くトレーニング! Every day, everything is training to survive in the coming era!

Every day, everything is training to survive in the coming era!
There is something that children are looking forward to in recent practice.
It is “coin collection”.
Miyoshi, chaieman of the board , had a lot of coins left when she went to various parts of the world.
Children like to “collect”, don’t they?
We are training in soccer on Tuesday in English. When we decided to give coins to all the members of the team that won the game, the children were motivated.
In addition, the coaches in charge of each team were also motivated!There are coins from various countries, so everyone is excited every time.
Hato coach talked about what happened one day.
“Despite being a coach, I overheated and I really regret it.”
“Coaches will join the game together. Children and adults are all serious about winning and getting coins for their team!
However, that day I was going too far.
I lost control of myself.
I couldn’t see the situation objectively, and I got heated up in front of the children, exposing a very unpopular attitude.I’m really sorry for the other team, parents, and my team.
Even after the practice was over, I continued to feel regret, and even after I got home, it was difficult for me to enter the house, and I was kicking the ball on a small ground.
I finally entered the house, talked to Aya coach, and apologized to the other team, Santosh. “
Even in games, the atmosphere at that time can cause us to lose control of ourselves.
You can see that when you are looking at it objectively on the bench or on the stand, but when you become a player, not only children but also adults may not notice it.
That’s why you shouldn’t lose sight of yourself at any time. Show your strength at any time. You will be able to return even if you deviate from your own axis.
We want to nurture the “power” of “flexibility” that allows us to rebuild ourselves and survive the coming era with FC Reale.
“There are so many things happening in Reale every day, and I can experience different emotions,” said Hato coach.
Every day, everything is training to survive!
With joy, smiles and compassion, we will continue to develop activities in a bright and enjoyable way.