- Hero Project
- Kiran
キランがインドのプレミアリーグで月間最優秀選手賞を受賞!Kiran Got the Monthly MVP

インドのプレミアリーグであるHERO I LEAGUEの2月の月間最優秀選手賞を受賞したというニュースです。
Kiran Got the Monthly MVP in Premier League in India!!
A happy and surprising news has arrived from India once again!!
The news is that Kiran got the Monthly MVP, the most valuable player of Feb in HERO I LEAGUE, the India Premier League.
It seems like a miracle achievement for a GK, Kiran to be chosen as only one from entire teams and positions.
His huge success in a large country India is true pride to Nepalese people and also hope to younger generations.
In the interview, he talked “This prize is not only mine. I owe it to all assistance from my teammates, managers and all staff supporting our team. I thank you all. ”
Thanks to all of your supports, the REALE WORLD is continuously supporting him through the HERO Project providing soccer shoes, gloves, training gears and also dietary educations.
This big news delighted us, too.
We, REALE WORLD will be supporting Kiran aiming for higher and higher, and acting together to broaden the circle of hopes.
Translated by Kaori Hattori