• Hero Project
  • Kiran

キランの活躍がネパールのニュースサイトで話題に!Kiran’s good job in the Indian League is posted on the Nepalese news site.

キランの活躍がネパールのニュースサイトで話題に!Kiran’s good job in the Indian League is posted on the Nepalese news site.


そのヒーロープロジェクトで、私たちがサポートしているネパール代表GKのキラン選手が、現在、インドのプレミアリーグのひとつ、HERO I LEAGUE で活躍中。
キラン選手の所属するRoundGlass Punjab FCは現在3位に浮上。インドのニュースはもちろん、地元ネパールのサッカー専門ニュースサイトgoalnepalでも、彼の活躍がニュースとして取り上げられ、多くのネパールのサッカーファンや、若手選手たちの希望となっています。




Our Reale World Hero Project is a world-changing project.
We will create a better world by fostering heroes who can lead children and society.

The Nepal national team goalkeeper Kiran, who we support in the hero project, is currently playing an active part in one of India’s Premier League, HERO I LEAGUE.

RoundGlass Punjab FC, to which Kiran belongs, has now risen to 3rd place. His activities have been featured in the news not only in India news but also in the local Nepalese soccer news site goalnepal, which has become the hope of many Nepalese soccer fans and young players.

In the hero project, we continue to support Kiran with spikes, gloves, training equipment, and dietary education guidance.
We deeply appreciate your support.

Reale World will continue to focus on hero projects, develop role model heroes, and change the world for the better.