- International exchange
NGO Seedsと REALE WORLDが国際交流活動についてのミーティング

7月14日、NGO Seeds代表の西野恭平さんとレアーレワールド事務局の宮本が都内にて、ネパールのFCレアーレの子どもたちと日本の子どもたちのサッカーを通した国際交流プログラムの実現に向けて意見交換いたしました。
西野さんは大学在学中フィリピンを訪れた際にストリートチルドレン、スラム街など世界の現実を経験した事をきっかけに国際医療活動を志し、様々なNGOや国際機関 (WHO) 職員として国際医療活動に従事してこられた方です。その一方で幼少よりサッカーを始め、全国大会や国際大会を経験してこられ、今でも仲間とサッカーを楽しんでいらっしゃいます。
そんな西野さんが、ライフワークとしてスタートしたのが、NGO Seeds。
公立の学校にてサッカー教室開催 FCレアーレ・ネパールの子どもたちと ネパール代表選手との交流会
西野さん主催のNGO Seedsでは、2022年度、カンボジアでの国際交流プログラムが決定しているということでしたが、2023年度には、ネパールにてFCレアーレの子どもたちと日本の子どもたちの交流プログラムを実現できればということで、話を進めています。
【International Exchange Project】
NGO Seeds & REALE WORLD Had a Meeting
Over International Exchange Activities
NGO Seeds representative Mr. NISHINO Kyohei and REALE WORLD secretary-general MIYAMOTO shared opinions to realize the International Exchange Program through soccer between FC REALE Nepal kids and Japanese ones.
Mr. Nishino found out how the real world, such as street children in the Philippines and slum areas, was working during his school days and after those experiences he set his mind on working for international medical activities.
And he did work for various NGOs and international organizations (WHO.)
On the other hand, he was playing soccer from childhood, experiencing national and also international competitions.
And he still continues playing soccer.
It is NGO Seeds that Mr. Nishino having such experiences started as a lifework.
It is an organization setting “To Know and Connect the World Through Soccer” as its visions, and attempts to make overseas expeditions for Japanese young players.
In fact Mr. Nishino has a career with the subsidiary organization of Urawa Reds. He happened to know that REALE WORLD had coordinated for Urawa Reds Heartful Club’s grass-roots activities in Nepal, and contacted us this time.
Urawa Reds Heartful Club carried out “Grass-Roots International Exchanges.”Heartful coaches visited various asian countries, telling the fun of playing soccer and the importance, and we met in Nepal in 2019.
NGO Seeds is planning to carry out an international exchange programme in Cambodia this year.
In 2023 we expect to realize an exchange program for Japanese children to meet FC REALE kids in Nepal.
Even though online networks have expanded and made it possible for us to connect to people in far countries, still there are many things we never know and sense without physically visiting the spot. His own experience in the philippines which changed his course proves it.
It was a wonderful offer for REALE WORLD wishing to update the sense of values for children in both countries and offer chances as many as possible for growing.
We will try hard to make it happen.
Translated Kaori Hattori