- FC REALE Japan
- FC REALE Nepal
- REALE English
「レアーレ イングリッシュ」 オンラインでスタート!”Reale English” has started online!

英会話スクール「レアーレ イングリッシュ」がオンラインでスタートしました。
それを取り除く機会として私たちは、英会話スクール「レアーレ イングリッシュ」を準備してきました。
Anish Chakradhar(アニッシュ チャクラダール)さん。
現在は、学校のカリキュラムを全て英語で学んでいます。「人々に奉仕する生き方がしたい」という希望を持ち、REALE WORLD との出会いによって刺激を受け、友情を育むことができたと、誇りに思ってくれています。
REALE WORLD NEPAL のバル理事長からの信頼も厚く、サントス理事も仕事を任せられる人物と評価しています。
そして、9月11日、オンライン英会話スクール「レアーレ イングリッシュ」が始まりました!
画面越しとはいえ、目の前で、ネパールと日本のレアーレの子が繋がっていることが夢みたいで、でも、夢じゃなくて! とても嬉しい気持ちになりました」(ハトコーチ)
かつて当たり前になされていた、日本人の在り方の良いところを、私たちは継承していきたいのです。それは、私たちの目指す、One team であり Family という在り方の基盤をなす1つでもあります。
未来、世界各地で、活躍するリーダー達の育成を目指してREALE WORLD は、これからも活動を進めていきます。
“Reale English” has started online!
It is the “language barrier” that prevents Japanese children from having a broad perspective and flexible thinking.To remove that barrier, we have prepared an English conversation school, “Real English”.
With Corona now, we are trying to do what we can do online!
One of the driving forces behind this was the fact that one of the members of the FC Reale Nepal adult team said, “I want to work in Reale World in the future.”
That is Anish Chakradhar.
He is 19 years old and is currently in 12th grade (3rd year high school in Japan, scheduled to become a college student next year).
He is currently studying all subject in English. He has the desire to “live a life that serves people,” and says that he was inspired by the encounter with REALE WORLD and was able to foster friendship.
He is also highly trusted by Mr. Bal Gopal President of REALE WORLD NEPAL. Santosh also evaluates him as a person who can be entrusted with the work.
We have been discussing about the purpose, goals, and programs of the English conversation school and demonstrating with Mr. Anish.
And on September 11th, the online English conversation school “Reale English” has started!
The photo introduced is from the lower grade class.
“It was a lot of fun to be with Anish and the class was very exciting.His smile was wonderful, and the children naturally smiled, and even the 4-year-old child enjoyed taking lessons until the end!Even though it was through the screen, it seemed like a dream that Nepal and Japanese Reale children were connected in front of me, but it wasn’t a dream, and I was very happy. “(Kizaki coach )
Lower grade classes are “group lessons” for each grade.
No matter how much our daily lives are digitized and online, we value contact with people and want to create an “environment” where people can interact with each other.
We want to develop teamwork skills through soccer and English project.
Two junior high school students who speak English and take private lessons are also in support of the lower grade classes.
Older children teach younger children. We want to inherit the good points of Japan that once existed.That’s one of the things we need to be a One team, a Family.
We will continue to challenge for the future!
In addition to Mr. Anish, two instructors are preparing.
REALE WORLD will continue its activities with the aim of developing leaders who will play an active role in the future and around the world.