- FC REALE Japan
- REALE Philosophy
子どもたちの本気を引き出したい! 保護者の方々の熱い想い。Parents’ Strong Passion

FC レアーレ・ジャパンで、先日2年生が大会に出場しました。
Draw Out Children’s Seriousness!Parents’ Strong Passion
2nd year elementary school students participated in competition. Normally all of the 1st and 2nd year students will go together but that day was different to usual. Only a party of picked ones had chance to go because the opponent is a powerful team.
Three of the 1st year students lacking ability and motivations left behind even there was a room for them. Hato coach explained his decision to their parents.
He had an intention to draw out their “I want to take part in a competition!”
The day before the competition, one of their parents called Hato coach, asking a permission to use the LOLO Ground next day.
It was for their independent practice.
On that day left behind children were practicing with their parents’ cheering, “Let’s practice hard to be able to play in the next competition!”

The tough side of sports; if someone wins, someone loses. Some can participate in a game but some not. That is reality of life.
The most important thing, when you lose a game or when you cannot participate in a game, is to make more and more efforts driven by chagrin. Not to become sulky of jealous.
Those experiences of efforts will never be a waste for your future, no matter where you go.
It will become your strength to go over difficulties.
The independent action took by parents to draw out three children’s seriousness was exactly the Reale Spirit!
“The day of the competition, I told my team ‘Work harder and cover their part too. They are practicing now at our home ground by themselves. ’ I believe the movement works as a plus factor to the whole team”, said Hato coach.
Coaches and parents foaming one team try to raise children having the power for future together.
What a good movement.
We hope the movement like this will expand to the whole Ito-city, to all over Japan and to the world
We, Reale World will go forward step by step and we are thankful for your usual support.