- Hero Project
- Interview
REALE VOICE Vol.3 西南学院大学 サッカー部 野村勇太 NOMURA Yuta





Seinan Gakuin University, Soccer club
Thanks to the Hero Project
I could aim for the world and faced to myself in honesty
I learn to make efforts to create my own path to go

The Reale World is raising leaders who could become role modesl to children who will bear the next generation.
In this issue featuring Yuta Nomura, a third year student of Seinan Gakuin University, we had another interview followed by the first one last year. At that time he was challenging to play soccer overseas and actually held an entry qualifications to Mongolia 2nd Division but had to give it up due to COVID-19 pandemic. He was standing at the crossroads of his life; taking one year leave from the university and going abroad for a challenge.
We had an interview again with Nomura, who finally made up his mind to prioritize job hunting than going abroad.
――You have made a big decision.
After giving up to go to Mongolia, I got another offer to Taiwan. At that moment I recognized this would be my last chance. Under the current situation like Covid-19 epidemic has not yet been crushed out, what would happen if I fail to go to Taiwan, just quietly waiting for the chance in Japan without searching for a job. It seemed to be the worst situation for me to lose both ways. At last the way to Taiwan was ceased. “That’s it.”
Now I have bounced back, doing my best to search a job.
Wayne Rooney, a former soccer player of England, was my childhood hero and my motivation for soccer. Belonging to the soccer club of Seinan Gakuin University, I was selected as a starting player in the first year. Looking back I was over-excited and it had gone wrong in the second year.
At the very time Mr. Tsuzuki, my soccer coach told me of the Reale World and I could have a chance to advance overseas. It awoke me, realizing that ‘I can’t go on like this.’
That was my restarting point.
――At the last interview you talked about your 3 dreams; becoming a soccer player, succeeding your father’s business and going around the world.
So it was a big step toward your dream to play soccer overseas.
Got switched on. Not only my attitude to succor but also my life style had changed. Moreover, I could get to know about a developing country. Unless we try to learn about developing countries, never get their information. When my passage to Mongolia was confirmed, I studied a lot about their language and life. Ordinary Japanese people living ordinary life like me go live in Mongolia. What are the chance that will occur? I tried to prepare desperately. And it was a great experience.
――It makes your everyday life to the fullest when try hard for your concrete goal.
I trained myself and prepared firmly, by start of the season I felt different to before. Became so sharpened. If I didn’t have the goal to go overseas, I would have been lazy. But I did make an honest effort and something changed in myself.
When the offer to overseas came, Tsuzuki coach and my family repeatedly told me “Get ready” but I felt sometimes like “what is readiness?!” Surely nobody can challenge soccer overseas with a halfhearted attitude.
Admitted “I was not qualified as I was now” and I started to work from the first preparation with diligence. Then some people around me said, “You‘ve changed.” I believe that was my “Readiness”
――“The Hero Project” of the Reale World supports soccer players who wish to become professional. Not only that, but the Reale World sets their goal to raise heroes who can lead and act to change the world. You didn’t reach your dream to play succor overseas, however words coming out of you has no sound of regret. So refreshed.
What you learnt during those process to overseas seems to be your “real goal.”
A great encounter with Reale World brought me a “challenge to overseas” and the flow completely changed my way to live and “quality” of life. Those days were for me to ask myself honestly and as a result I changed the quality of living. I can say so with my confident.
I am full of feeling of gratefulness to people supporting me.
“Thank you so much for letting me having a big challenge!” How precious this opportunity was to me. 10 years later, I wish to be more thankful about this two year experiences than now.
――I can just see you looking for jobs sincerely. And thank you for your attention to “coffee project” of the Reale World and purchasing them.
Yes, changing my focus in a positive way, I am doing my best to find a job now. Then I found the coffee project and bought them because I just like coffee and it seems the exact project that I can support. In fact, I like to contribute to a community chest like UNICEF since I was a kid. After entering university, I became a monthly supporter for UNICEF and other couple of organizations. Only 1000 yen or 2000yen per month. It could be saved if you refrain from going out for drink. I really like fair traded coffee and also like the idea to support someone by shopping even it is a little bit expensive. I really love that kind of thing.
I could hardly play in competitions last year due to injury, supporting my team behind the scenes. Then I started thinking I might be good at supporting something from back side. I found my happiness there.
Even during these difficult times, we, university students can contribute to the society. After finishing job searching, I would like to spend my time to engage in the Reale World project.

Date of Birth:1999年4月22日
Position:Center Back
[Translated by Kaori Hattori]