• Hero Project

三好 茜選手、新聞社の取材でその思いを語る!Akane on the Hero Project, Telling of her feeling to newspaper

三好 茜選手、新聞社の取材でその思いを語る!Akane on the Hero Project, Telling of her feeling to newspaper








彼らがその挑戦の中で、積み重ね、獲得していくものが、未来、誰かに勇気を与え、誰かのチャレンジの背中を押す、世の中の「希望 HOPE」になることを信じサポートしています!





Miyoshi Akane on the Hero Project, Telling of her feeling to newspaper 

One sunny day at Himenosawa sports park in Ito, Miyoshi Akane took interview from a newspaper company.

At the age of 14, Akane went over to the U.S. to study in succor at IMG Academy, coming back to Japan last year interrupted by COVID-19 calamity.
Immediate after returning, she started her training with Santosh, a board member.
Santosh had built his career as a number-one player in Nepalese national team, holding simple and firm faith;

“Act toward the goal.” 

His clear thoughts and actions steered Akane to make up her mind to “live with succor,” she said.
Currently supported by Best Produce Ltd.,(Tokyo) she set her aim at England FA Women’s Super League. 

Training hard every day.

At the interview, Representative Director, Miyoshi and Santosh also talked about the purpose and strategies as an Authorized NPO Corporation, Reale World.
There are players making efforts to achieve “self-realization” in the field of succor.
It is the Hero Project that raise those future heroes.

Something they get through numerous challenges will encourage someone in the future and push someone’s back.
We believe it could be “HOPE” of society and support it.

We are grateful for Miyoshi Akane to have a great opportunity for an interview and let many people know about herself and our activities. And also our gratitude to Best Produce Ltd., for their greatest support and all supporters.

Thank you very much!!

We will update immediately upon publication, so please help to share the article. 
Best regards!!