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ペイフォーワードの流れーFCレアーレを飛び立った若者がレアーレワールドをサポート!Flow of “Pay Forward” A Young Man, Took off from FC REALE, Supporting REALE WORLD!!

ペイフォーワードの流れーFCレアーレを飛び立った若者がレアーレワールドをサポート!Flow of “Pay Forward”  A Young Man, Took off from FC REALE, Supporting REALE WORLD!!


高校や大学でサッカーを続けている子、社会人となった子など様々ですが、卒業後もFCレアーレの子どもたちの練習に参加してくれたり、イベントの手伝いをしてくれたり、靴を寄付してくれたり レアーレワールドを応援してくれています。








Flow of “Pay Forward” A Young Man, Took off from FC REALE, Supporting REALE WORLD!!

It was 2010 that the predecessor of FC REALE started.

Since then many children have left the nest.
Some are still playing soccer in high school or university and some others became working adults.

Even after graduation they support our activities by joining practicing, helping open event and contributing their soccer gears.

One day, YAMAOKA Daiju, a 1st grade boy at high school, just graduated from FC REALE

Contributed 3 pairs of soccer shoes and donation to “the Ground Project” and fundraising campaign currently running.

It supposed to be a sizable sum of money to high school student, but he handed to coach Hato with sincere heart for the REALE WORLD he had been with since elementary school.

Thank you so much, Daiju!!

Children’s growth is a great joy to all of REALE WORLD operating staff.

To propagate goodwill received from your seniors by helping your juniors in return.
And someday those juniors will help their own juniors.

Since its foundation in 2010, what we have been challenging takes shape now and produces a positive flow.
We will make this positive flow larger with all children, parents, coaches, OB and supporters as a one team!!

We wish as many people as possible will join us and share the joy to change the world for the better together.

(translated by Kaori Hattori)