- FC REALE Japan
サッカーチーム「FCレアーレ」は「個」にフォーカスする ③

One team チームが一体となって
One Family 創設から今日まで関わってくれた全ての方々と共に在る
「One team,One Family の環境にはチームがunite=団結することが不可欠だ」
“INDIVIDUAL” is Soccer Team “FC REALE” Focuses On ③
One team, One Family
It is the coach Santosh SHAHUKHALA who leads the upbringing environment called “FC REALE” standing up with all people involved since its foundation.
Born in Nepal, growing up in poverty, encountered soccer, became absorbed and made his professional league debut at the age of 15.
And still keep producing league highest scores as the eldest professional player of Nepal League !
“Get the purpose clear and make an effort”
Santosh coach who exemplifies it says,
“Unity is indispensable for One team, One Family environment “
Perspective of a sports professional, perspective of athlete achieving goals, perspective of a person with long experience as a professional team captain who knows “To Unite.”
With Santosh coach having such perspectives, FC REALE coaches are working on to build training for the team to unite and engage to focus on “INDIVIDUAL” and raise “INDIVIDUAL.”
Translated by Kaori Hattori