• FC REALE Nepal

選手とコーチで、毎年恒例のネパールのレアーレグラウンドの整備!Players and coaches maintain REALE GROUND in Nepal .

選手とコーチで、毎年恒例のネパールのレアーレグラウンドの整備!Players and coaches maintain REALE GROUND in Nepal .

5月から9月にかけ、ネパールは雨季となります。土のグラウンドであるレアーレグラウンドはその間にデコボコになり、草が生い茂るため、毎年整備が必要です。今年も、雨季の終わりの9月後半から10月前半にかけて、FC REALE ネパールの選手やコーチによって、恒例のグラウンド整備が行われました。





日本の皆さまへの感謝を忘れずに、これからも、レアーレグラウンドを、FC REALEの練習場所として、そしてこの地域の子どもたちがいつでも走り回れる場所として、大事に整備しながら使っていきたいと思います。今後ともご支援のほどよろしくお願い申し上げます。

Players and coaches maintain REALE GROUND in Nepal

From May to September, Nepal has a rainy season. Since the Reale Ground is a soil soccer field, it becomes uneven during the rainy season and the grass grows thick, so it needs to be maintained every year.

FC REALE NEPAL players and coaches performed the annual ground maintenance from late September to early October at the end of the rainy season.

The REALE style is to take good care of what we use.

The work of struggling with weeds and leveling the ground is a lot of hard work, but this was also a part of building physical strength, and we all enjoyed working together.

Recently, the number of houses around the ground has increased, so repairing fences and nets so as not to disturb neighboring houses is also an important task at this time.

For that purpose, maintenance costs such as purchasing a new net and replenishing soil will be required, but these costs will be covered by your donations.

Thank you very much for your cooperation!

Without forgetting to thank all the Japanese people, we would like to continue to use REALE GROUND as a practice place for FC REALE and as a place where children in this area can run around at any time.