• Hero Project



ネパールのニュースサイト「NEPAL KHABAR 」で、「ネパール暦2076年に歴史に残るパフォーマンスを見せた9人のアスリート」の一人にNPO REALE WORLDのサントス理事が選ばれました。


サントス理事は、ヒーロープロジェクトなどNPO REALE WORLDの活動の一環として2019年12月から2020年2月にかけてネパールに滞在。




大人が努力し、生き生きと生きていけば、それは周りの人々や子どもたちにいい影響を与えます。NPO REALE WORLDは、そんなポジティブな輪を広げていくために活動しています。

Santos, the board member of  NPO REALE WORLD, was nominated as one of the “Nine athletes who showed a historic performance in 2076 in the Nepali calendar” on the NEPAL KHABAR, news site in Nepal.

(* Nepali calendar 2076 = April 14, 2019 to April 12, 2020)

Santosh stayed in Nepal from December 2019 to February 2020 as part of NPO REALE WORLD activities such as Hero Project.

He played in CYC (Chyasal Youth Club) and achieved 100 goals for the first time in the Nepalese Pro League history. The nomination this time was recognized for its achievements.

Many professional players retire in their late twenties in Nepal, but 32-year-old Santosh is still active as a top-level player.

He is working hard, and many young people are inspired by him, and push themselves harder.

NPO REALE WORLD is working to expand that positive circle.