• FC REALE Japan

保護者と一緒にレアーレオリジナルのTシャツの製作! Many parents helped to make Reale’s original T-shirts!

保護者と一緒にレアーレオリジナルのTシャツの製作! Many parents helped to make Reale’s original T-shirts!



私たちが目指すOne team そして family!大人たちが協力しあって、大きな家族となって、子どもたちを共に育てていく。そんな「環境」を創造し実現していくのがNPO REALE WORLD の使命です。



FC REALEさんの投稿 2020年9月11日金曜日

Many parents helped to make Reale’s original T-shirts

We are one team and family! Adults work together to raise children!
Many parents helped to make Reale’s original T-shirts, which were always handmade by Oni Coach.A lot of parents gathered, the work proceeded neatly, and the T-shirt was completed!

We are really thankful to you!

Adults work together to form a large family and raise children together. That is the One team and family we are aiming for!

It is the mission of NPO REALE WORLD to create such an “environment”.

We are deeply grateful to all the parents and other supporters for their work and support.
We will continue to promote the creation of an environment where children can strive for the future in Japan, Nepal, Kenya and other parts of the world.