- FC REALE Japan
新聞記事のスクラップ作業をありがとうございました!Thank you to all the parents!

子どもたちは練習で、保護者の皆さんは作業を通してSTEP by STEP
私たちが目指すOne team そして family!
一日一日、ひとつひとつを大切に、NPO REALE WORLD は皆さんのチームワークに感謝して確実に動き、確実に進んでいきます!
Thank you to all the parents for their cooperation in making T-shirts and scrapping newspaper articles all day long!
Minor and time-consuming work is essential to achieving a goal, and it contains a lot of “awareness,” “discovery,” and “grace.”
In the scrapping work of the newspaper articles of Santosh, a board member, parents could realize how great Santosh is as a soccer player.
We are really happy with it!
We thought that work = maximizing hope and possibility!
We aim to be a One team and a family.
NPO REALE WORLD is grateful for your teamwork and will move forward steadily day by day!