- Overseas Support
プロを目指す女子選手たちにサッカーシューズを寄贈!Donate soccer shoes to female players who aim to become professionals!

コロナ感染防止対策のため、まだサッカー教室の通常運営は禁止されたままのネパールですが、FC REALE ネパールの熱心な女子選手9名(14~17歳)は、自主的に練習を続けています。


Donate soccer shoes to female players who aim to become professionals!
Although normal operation of soccer classes is still prohibited in Nepal to prevent corona infection, nine enthusiastic female players (14 to 17 years old) from FC REALE Nepal continue to practice voluntarily.
REALE WORLD donated soccer shoes just arrived from Japan in order to support them.
One of the presenters this time is Anish, who is a teacher at Real English. He is a reliable senior who also plays with the adult team and sees the practice of his juniors.
The female players look happy with their new shoes. Since March, we have been positively doing what we can do now, even in the difficult situation where the school has not been reopened.
“We are very grateful to everyone in Japan’s Reale World! The support from Japan is very encouraging and we will do our best.”
It is their smiles that give us the power to do our best.
And in the friendly match with the Shooters girls team that was held the next day, the power of the Reale girls was fully opened!

The girls, who wore shoes donated by Japan, ran around as hard as they could and shot aggressively, resulting in 18 point.
Nepal has no prospect of resuming the professional league, but it is important for the team to work together positively at such times.
We will continue to support youth who do their best!