- FC REALE Japan
未来の板倉滉選手、福田師王選手が集結! “BORUSSIA CAMP with REALE” Future Stars United!

ドイツ・ボルシアMGコーチが静岡・伊東にて小中学生を対象にサッカートレーニング Soccer Session by Borussia MG Coaches
レアーレワールドは、2月16日(日)、伊東市民運動場(静岡県伊東市)にて、小中学生を対象に、ドイツのサッカー1部リーグ「ボルシアメンヒェングラードバッハ(以下ボルシアMG)」からコーチを招いてのトレーニングセッション「BORUSSIA CAMP with REALE(以下ボルシアキャンプ)」を開催しました。
Reale World held a soccer training session with German 1st division Borussia MG coaches on February 16th at the Ito citizens sports ground, located in Ito city, Shizuoka prefecture.
The targeted audience for this session was elementary and middle school students. 3 coaches visited from Germany, Borussia MG and 49 players joined.
Japanese national players, Ko Itakura and Shiou Fukuda are in the Borussia MG.
未だ見出されていない可能性を選手自身が発見するきっかけを! An Opportunity to Discover Player’s Potential
The goal of this session is to discover the player’s true potential and create an opportunity to grow.
Reale World created an opportunity for the children to discover their talents and be in the spotlight.
Borussia MG came to an agreement with our plan and successfully kicked off the event.
楽しむこと!感情を出すこと!トライし続けること! Enjoy! Express Emotions! Continue to Strive!
The session started with advice which is “Let’s enjoy soccer!” from Borussia MG coach.
The coaches were encouraged to not let players be afraid of failure and keep pushing forward by shouting and fast‐paced training. The children were giving their best and were also enjoying themselves.
The coaches also advised the players to express their emotions. The children gradually opened up and shared their feelings more openly.
At the end of the session, the coach mentioned how the children’s confidence and technical skills grew a lot.
コーチの役目は子どもたちがトライし続けられるようにリードすること Coach’s Role is Guiding Children to Continue Challenging Themselves
The day before the Borussia Camp, February 15th, we also held a session for coaches.
Around 20 coaches joined and were taught how important it is to create situations where players can continue to be challenged and not be afraid of their failures.
Participants shared some feedback saying they learned new insights and would love to join again.
子どもたちの可能性を引き出す活動を共に Actions to Bring Out Children’s Potential
Reale World aims to create a humane world where everyone can shine and care for each other through the activities, creating opportunities and environments where individuals awaken to their potential, nurture compassion, and realize their value.
The Borussia Camp is part of this activity and will continue to create a better world starting with Borussia MG.