- World Friends Project

カワングワレアカデミーU-19(ナイロビ) ゴーゴーボーイズU-17(キベラスラム、ナイロビ)
- ルマファウンデーション 小学生から高校生(ランブワー首都ナイロビより西に500キロ)
- カワングワレアカデミーU-19(ナイロビ)
- ゴーゴーボーイズU-17(キベラスラム、ナイロビ)
- ニャケミンチャ中学校サッカー部(ミャミラ郡)
- シアマニFC (ミャミラ郡 平均年齢19歳)
- モバンバFC (ミャミラ郡 平均年齢19歳)
- ネーションFC (ナイロビ 平均年齢25歳)
- シューズをご寄付くださった方
- クラウドファンディングにご支援くださった方
- ワキウリさんをご紹介くださった廣谷様
- 現地でサポートしてくださったワキウリさん
- 上記7つの団体の世話役の方々(ウォルターさん、ワホメさん、サントスさん、マコリさん)
- ・シューズやスパイクを寄付する
- ・「ヒムカフェ」を購入して、送料づくりに貢献する
- ・プロジェクトに必要な運営資金を支援する
- ・スタディーツアーに参加して靴を届ける活動に参加する
▶︎ご寄付フォームはこちらです→ https://realeworld.com/donation/
Crowdfunding “We Will Deliver Shoes and Hope to Children In Kenya! “
Thank You So Much For Your Support To Our Challenge.
Shoes Were Delivered!
Right before Christmas in 2019, we received a lot of soccer spiked shoes.It was MAR 2020 that those shoes packed in 10 boxes departed from Japan to Kenya by ship.
But reported all of the boxes had been lost in the sea!
Had requested for a police search, all of the 10 boxes were miraculously found in South Africa one year later in spring 2021.
Since there was no route from South Africa to Kenya, they were sent back all the way to Japan.
What’s next?
We must ensure secure delivery this time but shipping by air costs us a quintuple shipping fee.
Then we challenged a fundraising under the theme “We Will Deliver Shoes and HOPE to Children In Kenya” for the shipping fee and as many as 189 people supported our activities.
And in JAN 2022 boxes filled with spiked shoes were sent to Kenya once again by air.
It seemed everything would be all right.
However, another problem happened.
Because of the document flaws by the foundation who was supposed to receive those boxes, boxes had been stranded at the Nairobi Central Post Office for more than 3 months.
They responded “We will do something” repeatedly without any wise plan.
We were at a loss without knowledge about the local system.
In such a situation Mr. HIROTANI, the Chairman of the Foundation For The Support Of The United Nations, INC. introduced us Mr. Douglas WAKIIHURI, the Olympic Marathon Medalist.
We will fly to Kenya to settle this situation.
Two of the REALE WORLD staff supported by Mr. WAKIIHURI on site started preparation for necessary complicated documents and visited some local football clubs and communities.
And at last we could successfully withdraw all of those 10 boxes.
We were in a hopeless situation to withdraw from the postal storage but thanks to a serendipitous encounter with Mr. WAKIIHURI, everything started to move forward.
We can never thank him enough.
Mr. Douglas WAKIIHURI and staff of REALE WORLD
We spent almost all of our days for document preparations, reaching the day of returning home when we received boxes.
It is our regret that we could not hand shoes to children one by one and we feel very sorry about it.
But we believe it would be a significant result to encounter the Olympic Medalist, Mr. Douglas WAKIIHURI and we will work together not only for the World Friends Project but for study tours in the near future.
Those ten box shoes were delivered responsibly to the following organizations including the Ruma Foundation by Mr. WAKIIHURI after our departure.
- Ruma Foundation (elementary school to high school students) (Rambuwa, 500km west from Nairobi)
- Kawangware Academy (U-19) (Nairobi)
- GO GO BOYS (U-17) (Kebera slum, Nairiobi)
- Nyakemincha Secondary School football club (Nyamira county)
- Siamani FC (average19yrs) (Nyamira county)
- Mobamba FC (average 19yrs) (Nyamira county)
- Nation FC (average 25yrs) (Nairobi)
Spike shoes were delivered to the 7 organizations.
We are most grateful for you who donated shoes,
We are most grateful for you who supported our crowdfunding,
We are most grateful for you, Mr. HIROTANI,
We are most grateful for you, Mr. WAKIIHURI,
We are most grateful for you, Mr. Walter, Mr. Wahome, Mr. Santos and Mr. Makori who take care of above seven organizations,
Thank you very much for all of your great support.
It became also a good opportunity for us to realize Kenya as it is.
We strongly wish Japanese young people to visit Kenya to feel the real vibe.
And we will make good use of our 10 box experiences filled with difficuties and happiness and are grateful for your continued support for our World Friends Project.
Translated by Kaori Hattori
《How to support World Friends Project》
Anyone can praticipate with followoing ways.
- ・To donate shoes or spiked shoes
- ・To donate shipping fee by purchasing “Him Cafe”
- ・To support the project operating fund
- ・To deliver shoes by participating the study tour
Thank you for your joining to the project.
▶️For your inquiry ⇒ https://en.realeworld.com/contact/