途上国の子どもに寄付して参加するサッカー大会「U-10 REALE CUP 2023」 135足のシューズの寄付をいただきました!

135 Pairs of Shoes were Contributed for Children in Developing Country at “U-10 REALE CUP2023”
認定NPO法人REALE WORLD(レアーレワールド)は、11月25日(土)、26日(日)の2日間にわたり、静岡県伊東市川奈にある小室山公園市営総合グラウンドにて、U-10を対象に、第5回目となる「本気と社会貢献」をテーマとした少年サッカー大会「 U-10 REALE CUP(レアーレカップ)2023」を開催しました。
Authorized NPO Corporation REALE WORLD held the 2 day children’s football competition, “The 5th U-10 REALE CUP 2023” with its theme “Seriousness and Social Contribution” on 25-26NOV in ITO city.
レアーレワールドでは、ネパールでも2013年より少年サッカークラブFC REALEを運営し、さまざまな形でネパールの子どもたちの健全育成や、若手のリーダー育成に取り組んできた実績もあることから、今大会においては、駐日ネパール大使館の後援をいただいています。
Totla 8 teams gathered, 5 teams from Shizuoka prefecture and 3 from outside.
The conditions for participation is the contribution of football shoes to children in developing countries.For this time, those contributed items, 135 pairs of shoes and 6 balls will be delivered to Nepal next spring.
REALE WORLD has been also operating FC REALE Nepal since 2013, supporting the healthy upbringing of children and developing the leaders for the future.
Those activities were recognized by the Embassy of Nepal in Japan and we got support from the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Dr. Durga Bahadur Subedi, and he kindly gave us the video speech for the opening ceremony.
Nurturing Never Give-up Spirit! You Can Reverse A Situation During 2-days Competition
They competed in a league format of 8 players on the 1st day and a league of 4 players on the 2nd day, and the winners of each day competed for the overall title.
The winner of the 8 players is not always good at 4 players since different movements and quicker decisions are required, and all of the players and supporters got really excited.
初日8人制ではFC C.E.L.(神奈川県)が優勝、2日目の4人制ではロプタ富士(静岡県)が優勝。総合優勝決定戦では、FC C.E.L.が総合優勝を勝ち取りました。
FC C.E.L.(Kanagawa pref.) was a winner on the 1st day and Lopta Fuji(Shizuoka pref.) on the 2nd day, and FC C.E.L. got the overall championship.
You will have a chance to recover on the 2nd day even if you lose on the 1st day. We opened a 2-day competition with that strong wish for them to experience to stand out to the last.
Please enjoy vivid pictures taken by Mr. Sugisaki, the photographer, on REALE WORLD Facebook.
Dramatic Stage Effect Set Kid’s Heart Ablaze
Upholding the theme of “Seriousness and Social Contribution,” unlike ordinary kids’ football competitions, we are devoted to creating an atmosphere just like a professional one to stimulate young player’s seriousness.
With the great cooperation of Best Produce Co.,Ltd, professional MC and photographer, and Cloud 9 Co.,Ltd, we successfully managed a full-scale operation.
At the opening ceremony, Mr. Ono, the Mayor of Ito, gave a guest representative speech and also handed a ball to the referee at the “ball hand over” ceremony at the beginning of the 1st match.
While a loud entrance music roared, players were going into the pitch following the referee and all of their names and uniform numbers were announced. All of those raised players’ spirits.
For the overall title match, two teams went through the elevated walkway led by the REALE WORLD project flag, while a professional singer sang the national anthem.
Under a favorable tension, they played with their full strength.
You can enjoy the final match on the REALE WORLD YouTube channel.
マンオブザマッチなどたくさんの表彰で本気のプレーを引き出す Withdrawing Serious Play By Various Award
By playing seriously for the victory, they can fully appreciate trembling with joy, shedding tears in mortification, feeling fulfilment and being moved.
We wish to offer such an experience, well preparing for the commendations.
The Man of the Match Award was given to the best player of each match and also for The Top Scorer, MVP and the Champion team a big trophy and medals were given at the ceremony.
Learning Opportunity to Develope Mind and Body Through Dietary Education Class
We offer a learning opportunity at REALE CUP.
After lunch time Mr. OKADA Ryuichi of the Athlete Firm gave a special lecture with a theme of athlete diet including interesting quizzes.
Both children and parents deepen their knowledge about the growth of body and mind.
GK Showdown, Experience One-to-One Match
Not often appearing into the spotlight, Goal Keepers representing each team were shed light on.
A fight of one-to-one PK showdown, getting 3 goals.
In a tremendous tense atmosphere, GKs surrounded by teammates performed in real earnest, striking the ball and defending the goal.
Young players aiming at GK King looked bigger than usual.
“REALE CUP” Created by All of You
Thank You All For Your Great Support
たくさんの企業様、後援者の皆様、スタッフとして動いてくださった方々、ボランティアスタッフ、保護者の皆様、多くの人々のおかげでU-10 REALE CUP 2023を無事開催することができました!
本気と社会貢献「REALE CUP」で、また来年お会いしましょう!
Thanks to all of your support and efforts from sponsors, staff, volunteers, parents and many other supporters, we could successfully hold the U-10 REALE CUP 2023!
It was full of deep impressions and awareness and we are grateful.We are wishing REALE CUP to become more international competition, calling out teams throughout Japan and all over the world.
Make it more serious and more enthusiastic! We commit to evolve it next year!
We hope to see you again next year at “REALE CUP” of “seriousness and social contribution.”
【U-10 REALE CUP 2023の概要】
- 開催日 :2023年11月25日(土)、26日(日)
- 開催場所:小室山公園市営総合グラウンド(天然芝) 静岡県伊東市川奈1260-1
- 試合形式:◉1日目 8人制 12分ハーフ( A,Bグループに分かれての予選リーグと順位決定戦)
- ◉2日目 4人制 15分1本の全チーム総当たり戦と
- 総合優勝決定戦(7人制12分ハーフ ※7人制はソサイチルールを適用)
- 参加チーム数:8チーム(2日目は1チームが選手が揃わず欠席したため7チーム)
- 参加条件:1人1品途上国の子どもへの寄付(「ワールドフレンズプロジェクト」への参加)
- 当日観戦:一般公開
- 表彰 :各賞ごとにトロフィーやメダルを授与
- ◉1日目の表彰内容
- マンオブザマッチ(ミニトロフィー・各試合ごと)
- 初日優勝(クリスタルトロフィー)
- 初日得点王(サッカーシューズ型トロフィー)
- ◉2日目の表彰内容
- マンオブザマッチ(決勝戦のみ)
- 2日目優勝(クリスタルトロフィー)
- 2日目MVP(クリスタルダイヤ型トロフィー)
- 2日目得点王(サッカーシューズ型トロフィー)
- 総合優勝(ゴールデントロフィーとメダル)
- 総合準優勝(表彰状とメダル)
Event Summary
- Date:25-26NOV 2023 (No postponement for rain)
- Venue: Komuroyama Park Ground (natural turf) 1260-1 Kawana, Ito-city, Shizuoka
- Match style:
- ●Day 1 8 vs 8 2×12min.
- (Group A,B Preliminary league and Final match between 1st place in A and B)
- ●Day 2 4 vs 4 1×15min. Round robin Tournament
- Deciding match for a cup (7 vs 7 2×12min. ※Society rule applies)
- Participants:8teams
- Conditions:One piece of donation item to kid in developing countries
- (Participating in「World Friends Project」)
- Admission:Opening to the public(Admission free)
- Commendation:Ceremony for each prize
- ●Day 1 Man of the Match(each match),Winner, Top Scorer
- ●Day 2 Man of the Match (Final match), Winner, MVP, Top Scorer, Grand Champion,Runner up
Authorized NPO Corporation REALE WORLD
Embassy of Nepal in Japan
- 制作協力・協賛/株式会社ベストプロデュース
- 協力/Athlete Firm
- Production cooperation/sponsorship/Best Produce
- Cooperation/Athlete Firm
【Guest of honor】
Opening Ceremony Greetings from Guest Representatives and Ball Handover/Tatsuya Ono (Mayor of Ito)
- AZ(オズ)スポーツクラブ
- SS伊豆
- FC小田原
- FC C.E.L.
- Mare FC
- ロプタ富士
【Participating teams】
- AZ Sports Club
- SS Izu
- FC Odawara
- FC C.E.L.
- Mare F.C.
- Lopta Fuji
- 株式会社ユー・エス・イー
- 合同会社アーツイノベーター・ジャパン
- 有限会社木村衛生社
- 株式会社スーペルゥーナ
- 有限会社三村商事
- アトリエ ヨウコ ウエダ
- 大久保塗装
- 紫玉書道会
- 中村電気
- 有限会社新里
- 株式会社ハヤフジ眼鏡店
- 株式会社満宏
- まいとれーや
- マカホウ
- もみほぐし道場いやしMAX
- 崔如琢美術館
【Supporting company】
- U.S.E. Co., Ltd.
- Arts Innovators Japan
- Kimura Eiseisha
- Super Luna Co., Ltd.
- Mimura Shoji
- Atelier Yoko Ueda
- Okubo painting
- Shigyoku-shodokai
- Nakamura Electric
- Niisato Co., Ltd.
- Hayafuji Optical Store
- Mitsuhiro Co., Ltd.
- Maitoreya
- Makahou
- Momihogushi dojo iyashi MAX
- Saijotaku Art Museum
- ファイテンショップららぽーと沼津店
【Goods Donation Company】
- Phiten Shop LaLaport Numazu
- 吉弘 三男 (株式会社ユー・エス・イー 代表取締役社長)
- 大場 晃利
- 草間由香
- 大平 麻琴
- 徳永 由紀
- 西島 晃一
- 湯浅 恵里
- 塩谷 航平
- 牧野 貴久⼦
- 山根 可奈子
- Mitsuo Yoshihiro (President, USE Co., Ltd.)
- Akutoshi Ohba
- Yuka Kusama
- Makoto Ohira
- Yuki Tokunaga
- Koichi Nishijima
- Eri Yuasa
- Kohei Shioya
- Takako Makino
- Kanako Yamane
- サントス シャフカラ(理事・元ネパール代表・ネパールリーグ最多得点記録保持者)
- 岡田竜一(アスリートファーム)
【MVP selector】
- Santos Shahukara (Director, former Nepal national team, record holder for most points in the Nepal League)
- Ryuichi Okada (Athlete Farm)
- 園部元康
- 渡辺恭成
- 池ヶ谷翼
- Motoyasu Sonobe
- Yasunari Watanabe
- Tsubasa Ikegaya
ヨナス スレス(元エチオピアサッカーユース代表選手)
【special guest】
Yonas Sileshi (Former Ethiopian soccer youth national team player)
- カメラマン/杉﨑真一
- 司会/つつみ慶
- 映像/TOKYO CREATIVE LAND・津曲裕之・浦田拳一
- AI カメラ/株式会社Cloud9
- 食育講座講師/岡田竜一(アスリートファーム)
- 国歌独唱/KWANI(ダイナマイトしゃかりきサ~カス)
- ポスターデザイン/伊東幸子
- ワールドフレンズプロジェクトロゴ/アトリエ・ヨウコ・ウエダ
- プログラム掲載マンガ/hane.
- Photographer/Shinichi Sugisaki
- MC/Tsutsumi Kei
- Video/TOKYO CREATIVE LAND, Hiroyuki Tsumagari, Kenichi Urata
- AI Camera/Cloud9 Co., Ltd.
- Dietary education lecturer/Ryuichi Okada (Athlete Farm)
- National anthem solo/KWANI (Dynamite Shakariki Sa-kasu)
- Poster design/Sachiko Ito
- World Friends Project Logo/Atelier Yoko Ueda
- Program featured manga/hane.
- 伊東幸子
- 一場真澄
- 乙坂明美
- 小野朋生
- 渋谷ゆかり
- 草間由香
- 轡田恵美
- 小林静子
- 細谷和代
- 牧野貴久子
- 宗像裕介
- 古東達成
- FCレアーレ保護者一同
- FCレアーレトップチーム
【Volunteer staff】
- Sachiko Ito
- Masumi Ichiba
- Akemi Otosaka
- Tomoki Ono
- Yukari Shibuya
- Yuka Kusama
- Emi Kutsuwada
- Shizuko Kobayashi
- Kazuyo Hosoya
- Kikuko Makino
- Yusuke Munakata
- Tatsunari Toko
- FC Reale parents
- FC Reale Top Team
TEXT by 事務局 宮本