- FC REALE Nepal
レアーレカップ2022/23 in Nepal レポート REALE CUP NEPAL 2022/23 Report

2ヶ月にわたる「レアーレカップ2022/23 〜youth development リーグ」が終了!
今回は、個人登録してくれた子どもたちからなるチーム(U10 5チーム、U13 4チーム、U15 3チーム)に加え、外部から招待した2つのクラブチームの6チームが参加。毎週末に、レアーレグラウンドににて、熱戦が繰り広げられました。
Text by 事務局 宮本
REALE CUP NEPAL 2022/23 Extended Over 2 Months Closed! Thank You For Your Participation and Cooperations!
REALE CUP Nepal 2022/23 was held with 225 participants aged 7-15 years from 12 DEC to 04FEB.
The individual registration system was used the same as the last REALE CUP in Mar 2022 and many children of the local Madhyapur Thimi, where FC REALE is located, came to join.
Though soccer games motivate children, encouraging daily training, there are not many chances to play at soccer competitions or events in Nepal compared to Japan.
REALE WORLD wishes to offer chances to Nepali kids for exciting experiences to play at matches through REALE CUP.
The individual registration system helps to invite children not belonging to a soccer team to register. Divided all registered children into some teams and the teams started training 3 days a week for the competition held on every Saturday.
This is a new style.
We accept beginners and those young players from FC REALE Youth team guide them through basic training and soccer rules as coaches.
This time, in addition to those teams (5 teams of U10, 4teams of U13 and 3 teams of U15) formed by individual participants, 2 club teams were invited from outside.
A total 18 teams played exciting games throughout the duration of the CUP at the REALE ground.
A vacant land surrounded by rice fields was fenced, done with foundation work with great support from crowdfunding carried out by REALE WORLD in 2017and reborned as REALE ground where children could run around anytime.
We are full of thankfulness for the REALE CUP could open this time this year in this place.
The detailed competitions report is updated on the following FC REALE website.
Now, there are few schools introducing physical education lessons in Nepal and children are under the situation that they cannot have many chances to enjoy sports.
Besides, many parents are satisfied if their kids only study well. That is the reason why theREALE WORLD strongly emphasizes how important sports is for the healthy upbringing of children.
We will introduce a feeling of delight at playing sports to children and parents through REALE CUP and FC REALE.
Thank you so much for your continued support of us.
Translated by Kaori HATTORI