- FC REALE Nepal
- partnership
8年越しのプランが始動!レアーレワールドが、ネパールの学校でスポーツの実技クラスの指導をスタート! Sports period in Shankhadhar School!

レアーレワールドは、当法人のネパールのリーダーであるバル ゴバル シャフカラの指導の下、バクタプル郡にあるシャンカダール学校の校長であるマダン スンダール シュレスタ氏と協力し、レアーレコーチが指導員となって、2 月下旬から1ヶ月間シャンカダール学校でスポーツの実技指導を試験的に開始しました。
※English text is below.
FC REALE のコーチであるアニッシュ (バレーボールとコーコーのコーチ)、ニロージ (フットボールのコーチ)、ライエン (ドッジボールとバスケットボールのコーチ)、ビジェン (インドア スポーツのコーチ) が、体育の指導員として派遣されています。
屋内では、バドミントン、チェス、スネークとはしご、キャリンボード、卓球、フラフープ、スキッピング、屋外では、コーコー、バレーボール、バスケットボール、 ドッジボール、サッカーなど。
「生徒たちは毎日ゲームをとても楽しんでいます。食欲も増しているように見えます。ランチをより早く終えるようになりました。生徒はプレー中とても活発で、実技クラスが終わった後の授業において集中力がアップしました。実技クラスは、生徒の自尊心を育てるのにも貢献していると思います。私は実技クラスの導入に本当に満足しています」 (英語と社会の教師 ガンガ・ラクシュミ・シュレスタ)
「実技クラスは、退屈でストレスの多い教育カリキュラムが多い中、ストレス発散になります。今では、友達と楽しんでいます。試合に勝つのは難しいです。私たちは常に毎日勝ちたいと思っています。しかし、学校の制服に問題があります。 ゲームをプレーするのに制服のままだと動きにくいです。それにプレーするスペースが狭いです。走っているときに衝突して怪我をしそうになります」( 6年生月組の生徒の声)
これからの季節は雨の日も増えてきますが、雨の日には、 食事と栄養のクラスや、応急処置、休息、回復ついての実践的な知識を教える時間にしていきます。
また、最初はFC REALE のコーチたちが指導員を務めますが、ゲームや子どもたちへの指導方法については、学校の教師たちを指導し、ゆくゆくは彼らだけで指導できるように指導者の育成も行います。
翻訳 by事務局 宮本
Sports period in Shankhadhar School!
Reale World-Nepal, in leadership of Bal Gopal Shahukhala, collaborating with principal of Shankhadhar school Mr. Madan Sundar Shrestha and support from Reale Coaches started sports period in Shankhadhar School for about 1 month from late February.
In fact, Reale World planned such an experiment to introduce sports in academic curriculum in 2014 and was about to implement it at Anadakuti School in the outskirts of Kathmandu. However, just after that, in April 2015, a major earthquake occurred in Nepal. The school building of Anadakti School collapsed, and the plan was temporarily canceled. After that, for several years, recovery from the damage of the earthquake became a priority, and while doing so, the new corona infectious disease was prevalent. Implementation had been postponed.
But we were finally able to restart the eight-year-old plan in Shankhadhar School.
After the lunch break, the forty five minutes sports period includes indoor and outdoor games for all the students of class three to seven. This period is especially designed for physical, mental and psychological growth of students and inevitable to be a good human being.
FC REALE coaches Anish (volleyball & kho-kho coach ) , Niroj (Football coach) , Rijen (Dodgeball and Basketball coach) and Bijen ( Indoor Sports Coach) are sports teachers to students. Coaches are aware about child safe guarding, first aid, education, medical, equality, refereeing and psychological aspects of the game. Each and every class and section gets to play different sports and games every day ( Indoor games includes Badminton, Chess, Snake and Ladder, Carom-board, Table Tennis, Hula Hoop, Skipping & Outdoor games include Kho-Kho, Volleyball, Basketball, Dodgeball, Football). As soon as the kids finish their lunch , kids go to their respective field of play with their class teacher to play games.
“Students are excited for games everyday. They have grown their appetite and finish their tiffin quicker. Students are active during the play and attentive to academic class even after the sports period. It has developed self esteem in students. I am really happy with the beginning of the sports period”- Ganga Laxmi Shrestha (English and Social Teacher)
During the play, students are described and demonstrated about the techniques of games. Motor development is the goal. Students are challenged to match practice slowly with different drill practices ( breakdown components of the match) . Skill and cognitive development is the goal. Free game play time is given to kids to express their ability , knowledge and skills into the match.
The aim of the sports period is to develop agility, balance, coordination, speed , flexibility, mobility and to grow strength, power and endurance. Students will grow more self confidence, awareness and perception, discipline and respect, & motivation.
“Regular games have helped us to move on from a stressful education curriculum which is boring. Now, we have fun with friends. Games are tricky to win. We always want to win everyday. But we have a problem with school uniforms. It is uncomfortable to play games. Space of play is unhygienic and small. We might clash with each other while running and get injured!” – Class 6 Section Moon’s Voice.
In future we will introduce many more games to students for overall development. Diet and nutrition class are knowledgeable. First aid, rest and recovery classes will be taught during the rainy days. We want to educate the teachers about games and child handling.
Next year’s curriculum will start in April. After the trail class of sports, Bal Gopal and Mr. Madan Sundar planned to conduct the class thrice a week (Monday, Wednesday & Friday). There will be three sports periods ; Period 1 to 3(-Class 3 to 10) . The dress code will be trousers in the sports period days.
Let’s create a fun, learning environment for the students !
Text by Anish