- Coffee Project
ヒムカフェ取扱い店 PATISSRIE Liante(パティスリー リアント)のご紹介 Introduction the shop that sell Him Cafe Part.1

”ネパール産のコーヒー・ヒムカフェを買って希望を届ける”NPO REALE WORLDのコーヒープロジェクト
レアーレワールドが輸入元となり、ネパールの製造元から直接輸入し販売してるヒムカフェ 。
その収益は、ネパールや途上国の子どもたちにサッカーグッズを送る為の送料になります。また、ヒムカフェを注文することで製造に携わっている 約80名のネパールの女性たちの仕事作りにも繋がっています。
今回はヒムカフェ をお取り扱いいただいている店舗様をご紹介いたします!
PATISSRIE Liante(パティスリーリアント)

地元の特産品にんじんを使った焼き菓子「SATOKAGURA 里神楽」は新座ブランドとして新座市から認定されています。素材にこだわり、旬のフルーツを使った季節感のあるオリジナルスイーツやモンブランやムースの定番ケーキは近所でも人気で、早い時間に売り切れてしまうほど!

ヒムカフェ はその趣旨に賛同したのと、飲みやすいコーヒーで、ケーキにもよく合います。
カフェには、ウォーキングの途中の方や、一人でふらりと来るおじいちゃんもいて、なるべく長居のできる場所にしたいなって 思っています。
Introduction the shop that sell Him Cafe Part.1 PATISSRIE Liante
“Buy a Nepalese Coffee Him Cafe and Deliver Hope”
This is NPO REALE WORLD Coffee Project
REALE WORLD imports and sells Him Cafe directly from Nepalese manufacturers.
The profit will be the shipping cost for sending soccer goods to children in Nepal and developing countries.
In addition, ordering Him Cafe also helps to create jobs for about 80 Nepalese women who are involved in manufacturing! !! !!
This time we would like to introduce the shop that sell Him Cafe!
PATISSRIE Liante is located in a residential area in Niiza City, Saitama Prefecture.
Inside the shop is a space surrounded by the gentle air of southern France.
“SATOKAGURA”, a baked goods that uses carrots, a local specialty, is certified by Niiza City as a Niiza brand.
Original sweets with seasonal fruits and Montblanc and mousse are popular in the neighborhood and will sell out early.
■The owner, Ms. Sanda’s coment
I thought ”Let’s do it rather than not do it!”
So I quit the company I worked for many years and started a shop.
I agreed with the purpose of Him Cafe. Besides, Him Cafe matches cakes.
The number of customers who buy again is gradually increasing.
I want to provide what I eat and think “delicious” or “good”.
At the beginning, I was often asked, “Why do you want a shop in such a residential area?”
Because I wanted to make a store where we could get along with all of our customers and communicate with each other.
PATISSRIE Liante is firmly rooted in the local community and loved.
For more information, please visit her website.
PATISSRIE Liante also ships dipped coffee and baked confectionery.