「あのトロフィーを持って帰るぞ!」 チーム全員を本気にさせたレアーレカップ “Bring That Trophy Home!”

3月22日に行われたレアーレカップ2021 U8の優勝チーム「SEPARADAスポーツクラブチームK」監督の西澤和真さんに、インタビューしました。
スポンサーボードがあったり、スポンサー企業から人が来られていたり、撮影もされて、MCさんがいて、音響もあって・・・まるでプロの試合みたいなじゃないですか! 本格的な空気感の中でサッカーができて、すごい経験をさせてもらいました。
さらには、あのめちゃくちゃ大きいトロフィー! 「おい、お前達、あれを見ろ! あれを持って帰るぞ!」 僕自身も、子ども達も、俄然「本気」になりました。強烈なインパクトでした、あのトロフィーは!
実況とかAIカメラでのライブ配信とか、あのスケールで大会をするって費用もかかるだろうし、どうやって成り立っているんだろうと興味がありましたが、その道のプロの方々が、NPO REALE WORLDの活動を応援してくれて、手弁当で買って出てくれていると聞き、「すごいな、みんなが本気なんだな!」と感動しました。
レアーレカップ2021 U8について詳しくは、こちらをご覧ください。
スタッフとして大会をサポートしてくれたFC REALEの保護者の方の感想をいただきました。
Interview with the Champion Team Manager!
“Bring That Trophy Home!”
The REALE CUP, Made the Whole Teams Serious
SEPARADA Sports Club Team K
Manager NISHIZAWA Kazuma
A FC REALE coach invited us to the REALE CUP. I realized that we could do more than playing soccer through its concept “Seriousness and Social Contribution” and decided to participate.
My impression was…….Splendid!!
A few days passed already since then, children still spoke about the competition, saying “Don’t’ we have another one this week? ”lol
We had an unforgettable great experience that much.
First of all, the venue atmosphere.
There were sponsor boards, representatives from sponsor companies, shooting, MC and even sounds….just like a real professional match!!
It was a wonderful experience, playing soccer in genuine aerial feeling.
And even more, that huge trophy! “Hey, guys! Look at that ! We gonna get it home!”
All of a sudden we myself and children got “serious.” It has such a strong impact on us!.
I had my childhood experience that I could play soccer at a stadium with music played as if it were a genuine professional competition. “I really want to play here!” Mere child as I was, thought so seriously. That became a driving force for me to be a professional player acting for a Polish team.
I have such an unforgettable memory of my childhood, feeling so thankful for second year students could have this experience in REALE CUP.
About “Social contribution” we contributed our unused shoes to the REALE CUP as a participation fee. Everyone took it in naturally though it was the first experience. At first I thought it might be a tough requirement for us to do every year but after the competition I came to think like I would buy a new pair of shoes if we could play soccer in such a wonderful environment lol. It was a great competition that much.
MC, Live streaming, AI camera usage…I was interested in how they would organize such a large-scale competition and found out that experts in each field got together to support the NPO REALE WORLD activities voluntarily. Their serious spirit just moved me a lot.
We call it “SEPARADA Spirit” that we fight putting our heart and soul into the match, which is our policy and “identity.” The REALE CUP drove us so excited and brought us a flaming sensation, drawing out our identity to “get that huge trophy!”
We would like to definitely participate next time! Thank you very much.
Translated by Kaori Hattori