REALE CUPの準備はラストスパート 保護者やコーチが大奮闘! Last Spurt On The REALE CUP Preparation

開催まであと3日に迫ったレアーレカップ2021 U8。
1ヶ月以上前から大会に向けて様々な準備をしてきましたが、現在、最後の大仕事、協賛社様のボード作りが、FC レアーレ監督を筆頭に保護者の方々によって行われています。

Last Spurt On The REALE CUP Preparation
Parents and Coaches Struggling!!
3 days to go for the REALE CUP 2021 U8.
Preparing various things for the CUP more than one month ago, now FC REALE managers and parents team are working on the last major task making boards of our sponsoring companies.
Requiring much more time and labor for preparations, this CUP is following real competition with a sound effect, MC and awards ceremony.
We owe a great deal to open a genuine competition like this within a limited budget to parents supporting us as volunteers. They will function as receptionist, recorder, sanitizer manager, guide on that day. We thank you so much!
And also REALE WORLD board members and supporters will give us a helping hand in the field of their specialty.
The second REALE CUP will be able to open with support from many people.
We are grateful to all people working as operating staff!!
3 more days to the REALE CUP opening! Will do our best to make it a wonderful unforgettable event for everyone!!
Translated by Kaori Hattori