保護者から見たレアーレカップ2021~ それぞれの想い、気づき

今回のレアーレカップでは、FC Realeの保護者の皆さんにも関わっていただいて、準備から当日運営まで大半の仕事をお任せしました。頑張ってくださった保護者の方を代表して3名のからお話を伺いました。
~保護者の声 ① K.Wさん~
前日、最終の準備をしていると「コーヒー販売しないの? 絶対売れる!」と息子。彩さんに伝えるのを躊躇っていると「聞いてほしい!」と息子の猛烈アピール! 話してみると「ナイスアイデア! 販売はできないけれど考えてみます」との返事が来て、「伝えてみるべきだね!」と、息子も大喜びでした。どんな提案もまず聞いてくれる彩さんのスタイルは、親子共々勉強にもなりました。頑張って良かったです!

~保護者からの声 ② A.Sさん~
- 私「そういう自分から変わりたい?」
- 息子「変わりたい」
- 私「わかった、応援するよ。でも変えるのは自分だよ」
~保護者からの声 ③ E.Yさん~


レアーレカップ2021 U8について詳しくは、こちらをご覧ください。
The parents team got involved for the REALE CUP from preparatioin to operation on that day. Here are stories from three of them.
~The voice from a parent ① Ms. K.W~
“Turned on power for kids and found my ability!”
●Got bewildered in unfamiliar environments but I’m happy I did my best!
Requests came one after another from Ms. Aya, the representative director.
For preparation, we chose the style of “Do what you can do” because we have a own job and limited time.
We felt uneasy especially when received a proposal that we would study and hold a presentation about Kenya. After all it was a good time to learn with the whole family though.
But who would make a presentation? There were no volunteers for the role at first.
“Someone has to do it! ” Finally Ms. M, Ms. E and I decided to take the role and worked over the plan and Ms. E created a wonderful bulletin board in just one day. I was really moved. We have become conscious of this important role, thinking a lot, talking a lot and trying to create originality like using balloons for many people to come see the board.
During the last preparation on the day before the REALE CUP, “Why don’t you sell coffee? They will sell well!” said my son. And he kept telling me “Ask her” because I was not sure and hesitating to do so. But her answer was “A good idea! We can’t sell but let me think”
“We should try to speak!” It delighted my son. We learnt from the way of Ms. Aya to listen to others. I feel happy I did my best!
●Realized good teamwork and thankful to every one ‘s consideration and action!
I was in charge of arranging a venue→bulletin board→ measuring of body temperature→first-aid station.
Ms. T seeing me slow in preparing bulletin board, came help me with her family. Some upper grade kids voluntarily came to help me for measuring of temperature. The headquarter was sending supporting staff to help first-aid station. I was just thankful.
A recorder seemed having difficulties but some staff voluntarily lend a helping hand.
That is the best in the REALE.
All of them were working on their own initiative.
The happiest thing was that S was selected as the MVP. Though he is one of the most challenging boy in U8, he had never get it. So I was so happy for him.
Kids on the field were playing soccer energetically. Usually at the first game, they can’t move as they want to but got 6 points confidently this time!
Through the REALE CUP I recognized how good the team work of coaches and parents is!
Every one was really cooperative, turning on the power for kids and noticed each talent.
Those parents rushed to help, cheering even their own kid was not in the game.
Those kids in upper grade rushed to help willingly even they didn’t play on that day.
I was just thankful indeed for everyone.(Ms. K.W)
~The voice from a parent ② Ms. A.S.~
“The REALE CUP gave me a ‘chance’ to show my ability”
●Competition Built Up With Every One’s Support
The REALE CUP this time was really made up with cooperation, consideration and initiative coming out of each one of us.
At the beginning, no one could imagine how would be the completion going to.
I prepared a sponsors’ board with Oni coach and other mothers. That was Santosh coach’s idea. What kind of paper should we use for printing? How should we glue them on the board? We were doing through trial and error.
On the day of competition, I was assigned to reception and time keeping. “Why me for such an important role?” It was only a pressure for me but actually I had more mental capacity than I thought and could pay attention to others and helped someone in trouble timely. I felt really happy to hear the person said “I was helped. Thank you!”
Thanks to everyone, the competition operated as scheduled safely.
●”You Can Do It, If You Try!” The Chance the REALE CUP Gave Us
I could cheer the team which my son was playing for as a GK, enjoying an exciting moment. It seems like my son lacks concentration. He was too shy to shout encouraging team, not knowing how to say or didn’t want to make any mistake. Then I asked him, “Do you want to change yourself?”
“I do” he said.
“All right then I will support you. But it is you that change yourself” I said.
This was our conversation right before the competition.
I saw him driving back a shot ball and holding tight a ball. That was impressive. “You can do it!” Our coach said “He yelled out with a loud voice!” He seemed he broke through his sense of inferiority and could express himself.
I thought I couldn’t make it when I was assigned to a time keeper, but I did it! With an advice from a coach, “Just do it”
The REALE CUP gave me and my son a “chance” to withdraw our own ability.
●Combining Forces and We Can Make It!
The time keeping job owes a lot to guiding role and disinfecting role to keep things going on time. Everyone worked hard on it. I understand now because I did it, so will make use of this experience next time.
I was so thankful to upper grade children and their mothers helping us. Some little children cheered up with such a loud voice, certified as “Cheerleader MVP!” by mothers.
And I wanted to make their dream for playing in this competition in the future come true. The REALE CUP was a wonderful competition. (Ms. A.S.)
~The voice from a parent ③ Ms. E.Y.~
“Tasted a full of excitement even adults!”
●”Wish To Create Something Good!” Arose in My Mind
If there was no REALE CUP……
Probably I was just “a parent of a kid attending to a soccer club” and not more than that and never do something voluntarily for the team.
Thanks to the REALE CUP, I had a great chance to take part in the activities and I am proud of ourselves. Though my help might not be worth much, it was a really good experience for me.
I became a member of the parent team one month before the competition.
If you are assigned a role, you will have a responsibility. Discussing with other mothers, trying to meet the deadline and I found myself feeling like “Wishing to create something very good” for children. And also wishing to make the REALE CUP “A special competition.”
So the REALE CUP had become the center of my life until that day. I was thinking about “the REALE CUP” all the time during working and taking care of my family and stayed up all night, which was the first time since my school days. Tried my limits at my age around 40 lol.
●First Time in My Life, Build Up the Competition
I was in charge of arranging a venue and managing a “headquarter” on that day, serving tea to our guests. At headquarter I could work flexibly, supporting short-staffed positions. We helped each other.
It was the first time in my life to take part in such an event and moreover build up “from the beginning.” Normally I am not a person who act positively but things can never go on if you just wait for instructions.
Like other staff, I took the initiative without being swept away by others.
The schedule miraculously moved on smoothly. I think it was because every one worked on with responsibility, “Well done!”
As if returning to school days, we enjoyed to study about Africa.
On the eve of the competition, it seemed like the day before a school trip, I couldn’t sleep at all lol. I was grateful to feel like this excitement even as an adult.
●Challenges For The Next Time
On that day, children were brilliantly shining, having a great time and that made me so happy.
When reviewing after the competition, I regretted being unable to spend more time with my son for preparation. In my case, I started to work after he went to bed and had less communication with him like “I am making this,” “The theme for the competition this time was this.”
I missed the chance to let my son experience handiwork in addition to soccer. Regrettable.
If I have a next chance, I will definitely get my son involved.(Ms. E.Y.)
Translated by Kaori Hattori